Neutralise your stressors

Sometimes, we have great days.  In the zone, super creative, on the ball, clicking with everyone.  We're thinking of loads of great ideas as soon as we wake up, and feeling like we already nailed the day by lunch time.

And then there are slumps we can't seem to break.  Usually, this is because there's some weight on us - stressors and worries. Debt, admin work, messes to clean up, people who get you down, commitments that drag on.

With a small investment, a lot of these can eliminated, and with a small ongoing investment, the rest can be kept under control.

If you're in a slump, getting your stressors under control is the way out. The first step to make a list of your stressors. Then carve out time to handle them, maybe just an hour or two each week, set in your calendar. Tackle them one at a time.

Even before you cross any off your list, you'll notice you're feeling better. Why? Because we know they're getting under control and going to stay that way.

Before you know it, you'll notice you're having motivating ideas again.

You don't need to eliminate your stressors, just neutralise them with a list and small, regular time investment.

Get the book 100 punchy pages, designed for your phone.